Brothers in Christ serving each other and the body in one accord
The Band of Brothers is our Men’s Ministry at Hopewell Baptist Church. The mission of the Band of Brothers is to make disciples, serve our church and community, and build community among the men of Hopewell.
We will strive to make disciples through small group Bible studies on Wednesday nights and encourage every man to be involved in a Sunday school class.
We will have opportunities to serve though mentoring, work projects around the church, and in the community.
We will have events to provide times of fellowship, prayer, and encouragement to aid in the building of a biblical community for our men.
Bible Study on Wednesday nights, 7 PM here at Hopewell Room C-101
On the first Saturday of every month (excluding holidays) from 8-9 AM, our men gather together for a Men’s Breakfast.
Our next Men’s Breakfast will be April 5, 2025, for men of all ages to get together and have fellowship! Registration will open on March 22. Registration is so that we can get a headcount for food beforehand.