Come and be a part of our weekly services, special events, and other community efforts. Check out what's happening using the calendar below.
March 30th - Family Worship Sunday 9:30 & 11:00 AM
April 18th - Good Friday Service 7 PM
April 19th - Easter Egg Hunt 10 AM-12 PM
April 20th - Easter Services 7:30, 9:30, & 11:00 AM
May 5th - Graduate Recognition
May 17th-24th - Kyle, TX Mission Trip
June 5th-9th - HSM Summer Camp
June 22nd-26th - Vacation Bible School
July 8th-14th - Tok, AK Mission Trip
July 10th-17th - Nepal Mission Trip
August 18th-25th - Honduras Mission Trip
September 26th-Oct 3rd - South Asia Mission Trip
October 18th - The Volly’s
October 26th - Fall Festival
November 16th - Vision Sunday
Scheduling Events
Facility use requests shall be made 30 days in advance by submitting a Facility Use Request Form
(see link below). If approved, the event will be scheduled and placed on the church calendar. The Facility Use Agreement will be emailed to the Event Contact and must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event.
Hopewell does not provide Security for non-ministry events.
Weddings follow a slightly different policy, so please contact our Events Coordinator for the Wedding Handbook.
Use Policies
User Responsibilities
Fee Schedule
Worship Center
o $150 Facility Fee
o $100 for Sound Personal
o $100 for Media Personal
Fellowship Hall
o $100 Facility Fee
o $100 for Sound/Media Personal