
Going with the Gospel

The Missions Ministry at Hopewell exists to be a part of Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, from our next-door-neighbors to the least-reached.


Hopewell Food Pantry

  • Hopewell’s Food Pantry ministers to families in need every week. Check out our Food Pantry page.

Local Missionaries

  • Hopewell partners with our local AWANA missionary

Brian Bixel - Awana https://missionary.awana.org/brian-bixel

North American Impact

Northern Lights Missions

Garden Church

Outfitter Church

International Impact

Partnering with Long-Term Missionaries

Our church currently partners in ministry with four long-term missionaries and their families. For more information about getting involved in their work, please contact Brett Bellamy or click the links below to see their giving pages.

Central Asia


Contact Brett Bellamy for more details 

East Asia 


Brandon and Brianna Hawkins 


South Asia

Joel & Anna



United Kingdom

David and Priscilla Kunzi



Chad Morton - Manna Worldwide


Donate to Chad Morton donate.mannaworldwide.com

The Cooperative Fund

As a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, our church sends regular support as well as special yearly offerings to the IMB (International Mission Board), partnering with them in reaching the unreached around the globe. 

Short-Term Mission Opportunities

Meet our Missions Pastor

Pastor Brett was born and raised in Hall County and has been a member of Hopewell for more than 22 years. After two years of teaching in public schools, he and his wife, Emily, spent nearly five years serving and teaching English in Asia. Brett joined the staff at Hopewell in 2021. He and Emily live in Pendergrass and have two children, Lucy and Joel. Pastor Brett decided to follow Jesus at Hopewell at age ten.
